Brushing & Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

Childrens’ Dental Care in Edmond OKChildren in a circle, from below

After every feeding, wipe the baby’s gums with a washcloth, gauze, or finger brush. When the baby’s teeth begin to erupt clean them regularly using the washcloth, gauze or a finger brush. As he/ she starts getting the posterior teeth, use a soft child-size toothbrush. Brush the teeth with water or use training toothpaste without fluoride. When you determine that your child is able to spit and not swallow the toothpaste, start using a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Brush at least twice a day and replace the toothbrush when is worn. Bent or frayed bristles prevent proper plaque removal.

Let us help you introduce your child to dental health!

Call us: 405-348-5757

Begin flossing daily when adjacent teeth are touching. Flossing cleans decay-causing bacteria that toothbrush bristles cannot reach. Flossing removes hard-to-get plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.

Video: How To Brush Your Teeth


Video: How To Floss Your Teeth

Let us help you introduce your child to dental health!

Call us: 405-348-5757